“Mom, what was the internet like when you were a kid?”My first email address was SpookysGrl@aol.com. I don’t remember exactly what year I set it up but it was definitely when the X-Files aired…Aug 7, 20191Aug 7, 20191
Unpopular Opinion: Liking things and people is good.Paul is alive! And so am I. Realizations from a recovering hater.Jun 13, 20191Jun 13, 20191
A public apology to the mothers of sick children whom I doubtedAt my previous job, where I was carefree and had no children, I worked with a woman who, to my eyes, took a lot of time off for her sick…Jan 11, 2019Jan 11, 2019
Published inGENYes, the Media Still MattersJournalism experts on the era of ‘fake news’ — and what lies aheadJun 12, 20185Jun 12, 20185
My disgusting old Kate Spade pencil case and why I love itWhen a bag is a memory.Jun 6, 2018Jun 6, 2018
Bridgeport, Chicago: 1948–1959A few weeks ago I performed at the Frunchroom reading series on the far south Chicago neighborhood of Beverly, which focuses on south side…May 5, 2018May 5, 2018
A goodbye to wineNever say never. That’s the lessons I learned from the pigeon in “An American Tail,” so this may be more of a break than a breakup. But I’m…Nov 7, 20171Nov 7, 20171
A goodbye to wineNever say never. That’s the lessons I learned from the pigeon in “An American Tail,” so this may be more of a break than a breakup. But I’m…Nov 7, 2017Nov 7, 2017
The NFL: Is the enemy of my enemy my friend?I watched the Bears game yesterday, on purpose, for the first time in a few years.Sep 25, 20171Sep 25, 20171
Are you ready for parenthood? A quiz for couples on the precipice.According to the CDC, American parents are waiting longer to have children. If you and your spouse are trying to decide whether a family or…Sep 12, 2017Sep 12, 2017
My 2017 Amy Krouse Rosenthal storyOn Saturday my friends Justin Kaufmann, Mark Bazer, John Green, Steve Delahoyde and I performed at a memorial commemorating our late friend…Jul 10, 2017Jul 10, 2017
Did you inexplicably find yourself baking something cute for July 4th?I am not a baker. I used to have fantasies about being a baking woman, who just had a cake around in case somebody showed up (when does…Jul 5, 2017Jul 5, 2017
They should include men in People Magazine’s “What I Eat In A Day.”Facts about me:Jun 26, 2017Jun 26, 2017
War-a-Lago: My post-Trump television show pitchI’ve always had a little tiny piece of prepper in me. Some of it is living in tornado country — when I was a kid there were a few times we…Jan 30, 2017Jan 30, 2017
RIP TMLMTBGB?I was shocked to read earlier this week that it was recently announced that the long-running Neo-Futurists show “Too Much Light Makes The…Dec 7, 2016Dec 7, 2016
How a small dog helped me get over my post-election angst and look forward to the holidaysThree weeks ago I slept in a vacation house with bedbugs and it was the kind of experience where I’m going back to friends who dealt with…Nov 23, 2016Nov 23, 2016
List: Reasons Brad and Angelina broke up, according to most marriages I knowAll the times Angelina asked Brad to do the dishes and he sniped back that he did do dishes, while she simmered in anger because filling up…Sep 22, 20161Sep 22, 20161
Are you with her? Then walk the walk and don’t just talk the talk.This is going to make some relatives and other friends of the family unhappy but I have to assume that they will forgive me in time or…Sep 22, 2016Sep 22, 2016
My Bill Clinton-esque long story about how I met my spouse, or, when the internet was young.In 2002 the Internet was a different place than it is today. There was no Youtube, Gmail, Facebook, or Twitter. Amazon was pretty much just…Jul 29, 2016Jul 29, 2016
Jealousy works the opposite of the way you want it to — but what does that even mean?First some business: I contributed four items to Chicago magazine’s 2016 Best of Chicago issue. They include best places to get hair…Jul 12, 2016Jul 12, 2016