Published inFFWDTwitch Streamers Are Burning Out from Acting as Shrinks to Their FansStreamers focusing on mental health often find themselves in unenviable positionsAug 14, 2019Aug 14, 2019
Published inOneZeroEmail Autocomplete Is Sucking the Life Out of CommunicationThe new services turn email into bloodless business speak. So why are we allowing Silicon Valley to dictate what we say?Jun 14, 201912Jun 14, 201912
Published inGENRestorative Justice Brings Humanity Back to Survivors of AssaultAdvocates claim talking therapies can help with recovery, but also minimize repeat offensesNov 16, 20185Nov 16, 20185
Published inMEL MagazineThe Big Problem With Mental Health Campaigns for MenFor the last year or so — from “Time to Talk Day” to campaigns fronted by the British Royal Family — we’ve all been barraged with the…Jul 31, 2018Jul 31, 2018
Central Line, 6pm YesterdaySometimes when I come home late at night I look over at the Rectory. I see something white at the window. Could that be you, Miss Alma? Or…Apr 5, 2018Apr 5, 2018