Biden Must Help Us Learn the Truth About These Last Four Years

It’s time the country got a dose of reality

David M. Perry


Photo: Mark Makela/Getty Images

As the Trump presidency staggers toward its conclusion, the White House is still engaging in a blitz campaign of malfeasance. The president is inventing wild and dangerous allegations about voter fraud. Bill Barr is executing as many people as he can, proposing to carry out death sentences during a presidential transition for the first time since 1889. Mike Pompeo, meanwhile, is proposing to flood the Middle East with new weapons, fast-tracking $23 billion in advanced weapons to the United Arab Emirates, potentially transforming the balance of power of the region.

If anything, the month since the election has shown us that the Trump administration is taking their electoral defeat as a reason to ramp up their misconduct, rather than gracefully step aside.

But come January 20, Joe Biden will be in the Oval Office. The 46th president will have both the authority and the ethical mandate to pursue the truth around what we’ve all endured over these last four years. I don’t know if the divisions sundering America are healable, but only if he commits himself to a cold, hard dose of truth will he have a shot at stanching the bleeding. Otherwise, the nation will further bifurcate into camps that don’t just disagree on policy…



David M. Perry
Writer for

Just your average progressive political journalist, medieval historian, and Irish rock musician. Yes, I really do have a PhD in medieval history