Chuck Klosterman In Winter (Okay, Mid-Autumn)

The rock critic and author talks with GEN about his new book of micro-fictions and the changing nature of cultural consumption

Bryan Walsh


Credit: Boston Globe/Getty Images

FFor a certain kind of young man in his 20s (and less young men in their 40s, like me) Chuck Klosterman functions as the closest thing we have to a literary oracle. He came out of nowhere — North Dakota, if you want to be precise — and turned his experiences as a Midwestern metal obsessive into his debut memoir Fargo Rock City. After moving to New York in 2002 at the height of the city’s rock revival, Klosterman established himself as a hyperverbal, endlessly inventive critic slash music celebrity profilist. His story on a slightly depressed Billy Joel, bumming around his mansion in the Hamptons, is very good. Klosterman is probably the only music critic to get his own Onion story — “Chuck Klosterman Corners Guy at Party Wearing Dio Shirt” — that parodies his tendency to apply inexhaustible intellectual firepower to the musical doings of long-haired men in spandex.

Along the way, though, Klosterman has evolved. He moved to Portland and is now married with two young children. He has written novels and books of essays on pop culture, helped launch the dearly departed website Grantland, penned the Ethicist column for the New York Times




Published in GEN

A former publication from Medium about politics, power, and culture. Currently inactive and not taking submissions.

Bryan Walsh
Bryan Walsh

Written by Bryan Walsh

Journalist, author, dad. Former TIME magazine editor and foreign correspondent. Author of END TIMES, a book about existential risk and the end of the world.

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