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Democrats And Republicans Are Not So Different On Economic Policy

Neither party is really in favor of free markets. At least one party is honest about their desire to manage the economy.

Published in
4 min readNov 15, 2021


The same dynamic plays out in every debate between Democrats and Republicans. Republicans say that they are the party of freedom and economic opportunity. Then they call Democrats “socialist” as if that word were a pejorative when it’s not. Republicans like to tell us that they don’t want centralized control of the economy when really, they do. The GOP likes the conservative nanny state.

Democrats would have us believe that they promote greater equality of economic opportunity, just like Republicans. But just like Republicans, Democrats have voted to send our jobs overseas. Democrats have voted for policies that improve economic opportunities for the rich, to the exclusion of everyone else. And Democrats are loath to admit that by the time you get around to taking income, you’re too late.

Like their GOP counterparts, Democrats have been more than happy to vote for policies that have the effect of funneling money to the rich. They don’t mind rigging the economy if that would endear the donor class to them. Then they tell us that they’re going to tax the proceeds. But that never actually…

