Every Year Around This Time, Breaking News Breaks Us

A timeline of the worst news period of the year, starting in 2016

Michelle Legro


The front page of the ‘New York Times,’ October 7, 2018. Photo: Robert Alexander/Getty Images

It’s not just you. For the past four years, the kind of breaking news that wakes you at 4 a.m. and makes your heart drop has taken place in late September and early October.

But recently, it’s all seemed so much worse, right? Here’s a trip down memory lane of the soul-crushing news events that seem to happen, like a curse, every year around this time. And yes, it all began in 2016.


September 24: Speaker Nancy Pelosi announces the House of Representatives will begin a formal impeachment inquiry against Donald Trump. A whistleblower alleged that the president withheld $400 million in aid to Ukraine in a quid pro quo move to pressure the Ukrainian president to investigate the business dealings of Hunter Biden.


September 27: Christine Blasey Ford testifies before the Senate Judiciary Committee about her sexual assault allegations against Supreme Court nominee Brett Kavanaugh.
October 2:
Journalist Jamal Khashoggi is murdered by Saudi assassins at the Saudi Arabian consulate in Istanbul.
October 6: The Senate votes to confirm Kavanaugh to the Supreme Court.



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