Finally, I Can Draw Scenes of Hope Again

It’s a relief to not have to focus on a hateful man anymore

Liza Donnelly


Illustrations: Liza Donnelly

The past two weeks have been emotional and frightening. Between the violent insurrection on the nation’s capital and the threats seeking to undermine the election results, there were plenty of reasons to fear whether the United States would see a peaceful transition of power. But today was joyous. It was a celebration of our democracy and its strength as Joe Biden was sworn in as president. And it was truly a historic event, with Kamala Harris becoming the first woman —not to mention the first woman of color —to serve as vice president.

In 2016, I was fortunate to attend the inauguration in Washington, D.C., and live-draw the event in person for a major news outlet. It was the scene of Donald Trump’s now-infamous “American carnage” speech that would set the tone for his presidency. His inauguration came with a certain tense feeling mixed with confusion. In Washington that day, I saw many very happy people wearing MAGA hats, and I wanted to be happy for them. In fact, I sort of was. But what I knew of Trump did not reflect what I thought our country represented. Plus, I had forcefully…

