Katie SongerCan We Overcome the “Death of Expertise”?Free speech is pointless if we can’t tell what’s trueMar 18, 20222Mar 18, 20222
Wajahat AliThe Martyrdom of Joe Rogan: Or, Why Can’t We Say The N-Word?Conservative free speech warriors defend the shock jock while banning CRT, books about the Holocaust, and suppressing voter rightsFeb 8, 202241Feb 8, 202241
Shounak BagchiAnti ‘Cancel Culture’ Crusaders Have Become What They HateThere is a famous Nietzsche quote that states, “beware that, when fighting monsters, you yourself do not become a monster… for when you…Nov 7, 20213Nov 7, 20213
Roderick GrahamAn Alternative Approach To Understanding Cancel CultureLean into the criticism. You will be better for it.Sep 23, 20218Sep 23, 20218
Jessica ValentiThe Last 2 Years Have Showed Just How Little This Country Cares About WomenLessons from the busiest two years of my professional life — and arguably the worst stretch of modern American historyFeb 1, 202131Feb 1, 202131
Jessica Valenti‘Cancel Culture’ Is How the Powerful Play VictimA letter published in Harper’s mistakes critiques of the powerful for the silencing of free speechJul 8, 2020112Jul 8, 2020112
Stanley FishSpeech Has Never Been Free, and That’s GoodCensorship always exists. The question is to what end.Oct 29, 201910Oct 29, 201910
Zara StoneSHTHPNS: The Never-Ending Free Speech Fight Over Vanity License PlatesOne of the most contested spaces in American discourse is on the back of carsOct 25, 20191Oct 25, 20191
Max UfbergThe NBA Fan Silenced for Protesting China Speaks Out‘These are not American values’Oct 10, 20195Oct 10, 20195
Trevor TimmThe Case Against Julian Assange Is a Threat to Journalists EverywhereAny precedent set for his news-gathering activities could be used against news outlets that report on TrumpApr 12, 201918Apr 12, 201918