Andrea González-RamírezTrump Keeps Saying Racist Things. Here’s an Ever-Growing List of Examples.The president’s remarks about Black protesters and coronavirus during a campaign rally in Tulsa are just the latest examplesOct 11, 201938Oct 11, 201938
Andrea González-RamírezA Rolling List of the Times Trump Disregarded the LawThe president’s efforts to get Ukraine and China to go after Joe Biden are just the latest examples of him showing disrespect for the lawSep 24, 20193Sep 24, 20193
John WashingtonHe Fled Persecution — and Then Was Locked Up in U.S. Detention for Over 800 DaysAfter leaving Cameroon for the United States, Nelson Achiri Geh was shuffled between three detention centers; at one point, he didn’t see…Jul 22, 20193Jul 22, 20193