Jude Ellison S. DoyleAndrew Cuomo and the Cult of the Asshole BossThe rise and fall of New York’s governor is what happens when we treat male rage and intimidation as a leadership skillMar 9, 20218Mar 9, 20218
Jude Ellison S. DoyleTrump Is Leaving, but the Revenge of Men ContinuesTen years after the ‘end of men,’ America has tilted back toward full-blown patriarchy — and it will continue after Trump leaves officeJan 7, 202116Jan 7, 202116
GEN Editors“Who would we be if Whiteness never dictated who we are?In her new book, Ijeoma Oluo breaks down the origins and the devastating legacy of the mediocre white male in America. In an interview…Dec 2, 20202Dec 2, 20202
Ijeoma OluoThe White Men Who Threaten Me With Their Own SuicideMy writing about race and gender has made me a target for desperate white men who don’t want to changeDec 1, 202080Dec 1, 202080
Jessica ValentiToxic Masculinity Is Going to Get Us All KilledMen have a history of putting their health — and the health of those around them — at risk for fear of seeming unmasculineMay 8, 2020101May 8, 2020101
Kim BellwareHow the Patriarchy Protects ItselfThe Brett Kavanaugh circus shows us how little has changedOct 4, 201818Oct 4, 201818
S ChemalyWhy Don’t ‘Good Men’ Believe Women?MeToo’s next step isn’t about Bad Men, but about masculinityOct 15, 2018103Oct 15, 2018103
Jessica ValentiYoung White Male Rage Is the Biggest Threat to Our CountryTo stop mass shootings, start by educating the people at risk of being radicalizedAug 5, 2019146Aug 5, 2019146
Jude Ellison S. DoyleMen Still Report the Bulk of Our Elections CoverageWe appear to be on the verge of entering an election that hinges on women’s political engagement, yet our press corps is largely maleFeb 28, 201910Feb 28, 201910
Jude Ellison S. DoyleThe Jeffrey Epstein Case Implicates Us AllAs long as we allow powerful men to claim access to women’s bodies as their just reward, we may not notice the monsters among usJul 11, 201921Jul 11, 201921