Nicole FroioStop Telling Women to Work HarderThe myth of meritocracy has died. It’s time for it to be buried for good. I’m looking at you, Kim Kardashian.Mar 11, 202220Mar 11, 202220
Carla SeaquistBiden, the “Human Rights” President, Must Evacuate Our Afghan Allies and Secure Afghan Women’s…Hold off on the “Who lost Afghanistan?” debates and “End of the American era” commentary.Aug 19, 20214Aug 19, 20214
Carla SeaquistTo Fall from a Low Place Is Not “Tragic,” but SadThe Case of Andrew CuomoAug 13, 20213Aug 13, 20213
L.L. KirchnerThe Sexual Politics of Population DeclineThe call to women: bring us more babies!May 14, 202112May 14, 202112
Andrea González-RamírezWhy States Rushed to Protect Abortion in 2019Conservatives enacted aggresive abortion restrictions in 2019, but a record number of states fought backDec 20, 20191Dec 20, 20191
Jude Ellison S. DoyleYou Can’t Fight Patriarchy Without Fighting TransphobiaReproductive rights, women’s rights, and transgender rights are not competing for causes — they are one and the sameJan 29, 201912Jan 29, 201912
Jessica ValentiPregnant Women Who Are Assaulted Are Being Treated Like Criminals — Not VictimsActing “dangerously” while pregnant could get you arrestedJul 2, 201942Jul 2, 201942
Jennifer VictorDon’t Expect to See Roe v. Wade Overturned Anytime SoonIt seems unlikely that anti-abortion advocates will be able to go beyond abortion-restricting legislation at the state levelMay 21, 201916May 21, 201916
Jessica ValentiPro-Choice Men: Here’s What You Need to KnowMen on the left can’t afford to be as uninformed about abortion as men on the right are. Time to study up.May 24, 201925May 24, 201925
Jessica ValentiAnti-Abortion Laws Will Put Women in JailWe know because women are already being punishedMay 10, 201944May 10, 201944