The Minister of Justice Meets the Minister of Propaganda

Why William Barr’s meeting with Rupert Murdoch is so dangerous

Rick Wilson


Credit: Ed Zurga/Getty Images

WWhen I read Maggie Haberman and Katie Benner’s excellent New York Times story “Trump Lashes Out at Fox News Poll as Barr Meets With Murdoch,” I knew that, unfortunately, the smoke would get more attention than the fire. Sure enough, the political class in our Twitter playground is covering Trump’s attacks on the Fox poll more than the profoundly troubling meeting of Attorney General William Barr with Fox CEO Rupert Murdoch.

I want you to imagine Republicans’ reaction if Eric Holder held secret meetings with media CEOs. They would be rabid, instant, and volcanic. There would be a damn gibbet erected on the National Mall, and rightly so.

There would be calls for his immediate removal from office. There would be a hundred baroque conspiracy theories ascribing a sinister plot of liberal subversion against the press and inappropriate pressure brought to bear on media outlets. Editorials and opinion pieces would blast him for playing politics with the office of the senior law enforcement officer of the nation.

The Attorney General — any attorney general — is supposed to be a unique player in our system, above the politics of the White House and Congress, operating without…



Rick Wilson
Writer for

NYT #1 bestselling author, Lincoln Project co-founder, ad-maker, writer.