The Symbolic Weirdness of Drinking Pee

Why bad ideas are winning attention

Sarah Stankorb


Photo: Timothy Hales Bennett / Unsplash

After nearly two years of diligent pandemic precautions, even the most gracious public health guidance rule-followers have lost patience with those who reject that guidance on dodgy grounds. Many are simply fed up with people who place their trust in celebrities or internet randos over the scientific method. Health care professionals describe compassion fatigue and anger toward those who have refused vaccines, after having watched so many others endure profound suffering — only now to be abused and threatened by Covid-skeptics.

So when an anti-vaxxer, Christopher Key of “Vaccine Police” started touting urine therapy as an antidote for Covid-19, snickering dismay is understandable.

Key describes himself as having owned a health club, but he was fired from his more recent job “for being a patriot and standing against a tyrannical school board in Alabama.” He has also livestreamed himself harassing Walmart pharmacists, telling them they’d be executed for administering the Covid-19 vaccine.



Sarah Stankorb
Writer for

Sarah Stankorb, author of Disobedient Women, has published with The Washington Post, Marie Claire, and many others. @sarahstankorb