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Jessica Valenti

What Does #MeToo Repentance Look Like?

We don’t know because we have yet to see a man try

Jessica Valenti
Published in
3 min readApr 16, 2019


Credit: Adie Bush/Cultura/Getty

Every year during Sexual Assault Awareness Month, I speak on college campuses about sexual violence in the U.S. Each school is different, but there’s one question I’ve heard some iteration of over and again at almost every single venue: What can men who have been outed by #MeToo do to make things right?

It’s a reasonable question. Unlike so much of the backlash shrouded as concern over men’s “ruined lives” and futures, feminists should be grappling with what an appropriate model of repentance might look like.

It’s not that I’m interested in paving the way for comebacks from the men who have hurt women or focusing on how men can move forward with their lives rather than wondering the same for their victims. I’m interested in what accountability might look like because I think it would help victims who are still in pain.

The problem, however — and what I tell students who ask me — is that I don’t have a good answer. Because we have yet to see a man really try.

Of all of the high-profile men who have been accused of sexual misbehavior — from violent assaults to indecent exposure — not one has demonstrated a sustained or serious commitment to…




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Jessica Valenti
Jessica Valenti

Written by Jessica Valenti

Feminist author & columnist. Native NYer, pasta enthusiast. I write about abortion every day at

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