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What to Watch, Listen To, and Laugh at While Coronavirus Keeps You Home
It’s time to Netflix and shelter at home. Here, a wildly eclectic selection of 14 amazing things to keep you entertained.
In normal times it’s a simple enough question, so simple that it’s totally acceptable to dodge it: What are you in the mood for? Correct responses include “You pick” and “whatever” and “just nothing with Anne Hathaway.” But as you’ve perhaps noticed, these are not normal times. Earth has been ordered to Netflix and chill, and earthlings’ moods are swinging faster than the stock market. Even a near miss on what are you in the mood for? — the wrong kind of comedy, the wrong kind of disaster — could trigger a downward spiral. With that stark reality in mind, here’s a culture-at-home survival catalog organized by mood and/or mental state. Be safe in there.
I’m in the mood for… something funny, the stupider the better
The Naked Gun
This one slayed last night with my quaranteam. Some cringe-y ethnic humor and boob jokes (hello 1988!), but otherwise so much funnier than you remember, especially when you watch it with kids who’ve never seen anything like this. Also, parents will get a perverse delight at…