Where Have You Gone, Franklin Delano: The End of The 2021 Legislative Circus & FDR Comparisons

Our political nation rolls their weary eyes upon a news media that sold FDR but never came to terms with the reality of a 50–50 Senate

Andrew Donaldson


President Biden and VP Harris in the Oval Office under a portrait of FDR, March 21, 2021. Photo by The White House, Public domain, via Wikimedia Commons

Democracy might die in the dark, but in the meantime, the self-styled “world’s greatest deliberative body” finally adjourned their work for the year in the darkness of 4 in the morning Saturday. The gaveling of the end rather felt like a mercy killing to the long-terminal but artificially and hopefully preserved legislative year. A legislative year that started with high hopes of a Democratic DC power trifecta and a Biden-powered agenda swelled with the rhetoric of “sweeping change” and “FDR-like” legislative success.

“Copying Roosevelt, Biden Wanted a Fast Start. Now Comes the Hard Part.” — New York Times, January 31, 2021

“Joe Biden is no FDR — but if he keeps listening to progressives, he could be” — MSNBC, April 28, 2021

“Biden’s First 100 Days Will Be the Biggest Since FDR’s” — The Daily Beast, January 20, 2021

“The Most Vital 100 Days Since FDR” — Foreign Policy, April 12th, 2021



Andrew Donaldson
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Writer. Mountaineer diaspora. Veteran. Managing Editor @ordinarytimemag on culture & politics, food writing @yonderandhome, Host @heardtellshow & other media