Will White Women Redeem Themselves?

And if they do, will it be enough?

Lyz Lenz


Photo: Yegor Aleyev\TASS via Getty Images

In 2016, a plurality of white women voted for Donald Trump — 47% to 45% for Clinton. Which was incredible given the “grab them by the pussy” comments and all the sexual assault allegations. But perhaps what those who were shocked by the polling missed was how deeply misogyny is ingrained in American culture.

Women of color were not shocked. This is because white feminism has historically been exclusionary of women of color. Writing for GEN, Nilofer Merchant spells it out:

Instead of standing up and for certain principles and building the associated coalition, the majority of white women have repeatedly worked to take power. Instead of forging the power their freedom requires, they seek the approval of those who already have power, white men, with all their status and connections. They turn their face to that sun yet never feel warm.

There is a lie we believe about America: Everyone is equal. And that’s something we aspire toward but have yet to achieve. But for many white women, America…



Lyz Lenz
Writer for

Author of God Land. Columnist for the Cedar Rapids Gazette. The book Belabored is forthcoming from Bold Type Books in August of 2020.