Member-only story
Donald Trump Is a Nazi. Full Stop.
We can stop with all the hedging and qualifying

He’s a Nazi. He’s not scarily reminiscent of a Nazi. He doesn’t have alarming Nazi-like qualities. Your president, my president, is a fucking Nazi. That’s not a standard bit of tweeted hyperbole. It’s a truth. It’s bedrock. There’s no sly coding to it. You don’t get to go OH DEAR PRESIDENT TRUMP IS SAYING THE QUIET PART OUT LOUD when there has never been any quiet parts to Donald Trump, nor any disguising his zeal for outright fascism.
If the past four years have not made it clear, if 100,000 dead and kids in cages and open admiration for fellow dictators didn’t do the trick, then this week better have. This eternal harbinger of misery got on the horn with 50 governors yesterday and demanded they “dominate” American protesters by arresting them, contact tracing them, and putting them in jail for 10 years. Then, later that day, he deliberately ordered his own men to teargas peaceful protesters and fucking PRIESTS to clear the way for him to walk — with the laziest possible gait — over to an empty church so that he could hold a bible upside down on camera. He has authorized, with some dubious legality, the American military to suppress the very people they serve. But of course, he barely needs the military when he’s already openly encouraged local…