
How Hollywood Killed the Director

Olivia Wilde shouldn’t be directing a Marvel movie. Here’s why.

Drew Magary
Published in
5 min readSep 9, 2020


Photo: Toni Anne Barson/Getty Images

Now is not the time to tell people that a rare piece of good news is actually bad news, but allow me to be King Asshole for a moment, won’t you? Here is the good news in question: A few weeks ago, Deadline reported that Olivia Wilde was signing to direct a Marvel movie. Not just any Marvel movie, but a Spider-Woman movie. Marvel is happy. Wilde is happy. Even fanboys and fangirls, an impossibly prickly lot, are happy, or at least as happy as that strain of humanity gets. And why wouldn’t they be? Marvel makes good movies. Wilde made a movie last year in Booksmart that had such a clear voice to it — funny and almost painfully current — that it only makes sense to imbue Spider-Woman with that same voice. It’s a perfect match. Everyone wins.

And that’s the big fucking lie. Wilde just got assimilated into the new film industry Borg. It’s a good Borg, mind you. She’s gonna get paid bank and have an opportunity to put her imprimatur onto a big-shit comic book character. Some of that imprimatur, probably in the form of a few brilliant lines of dialogue and a flash of wholesome raunch. But it’s still gonna be a Marvel movie. Marvel makes these movies, with occasional input from Reddit. No one else really gets to. I was thinking…



Drew Magary
Writer for

Columnist at GEN. Co-founder, Defector. Author of Point B.