
Trump Doesn’t Care If You Catch Coronavirus

Now that the virus is here in Trump’s America, it can enjoy the freedom it so dearly craves

Drew Magary
Published in
5 min readMar 3, 2020


A box of tissues and a bottle of Purell hand sanitizer sit on the desk in the Senate Reception Room in the Capitol.
Hand sanitizer on a desk in the Senate Reception Room. Photo: Bill Clark/CQ-Roll Call, Inc./Getty Images

DDonald Trump has spent so much time making Americans sick to their stomachs that it was only inevitable he would manage to make them sick everywhere else. Coronavirus has washed ashore here in America, and potentially 40% to 70% of us could get it in some form. This is because the virus has a strong ground game, and also because Trump gutted the country’s pandemic response team, leaving us without what amounts to a bureaucratic immune system. We can’t stop the coronavirus because there’s no one in charge who can stop it, or even wants to. Instead, the president and his fuckhead cohorts have used the outbreak as yet another occasion to openly wonder if everyone is being nice enough to them.

You are about to experience firsthand, through a seizure of feverish chills and terrifying shortness of breath, what it’s like to not have a government. Because as it stands now, we don’t have one. Whatever…



Drew Magary
Writer for

Columnist at GEN. Co-founder, Defector. Author of Point B.