All Stories published by GEN on December 10, 2019

The Whiplash Decade

The Decade Comic Book Nerds Became Our Cultural Overlords

The Whiplash Decade

The Decade the Internet Lost Its Joy

What began as cheerful anarchy

The Whiplash Decade

The Decade We Ate the Rich

Americans finally realized who took all

The Whiplash Decade

The Decade Political Comedy Stopped Being Funny

Remember when you

The Whiplash Decade

The Decade Conspiracy Theories Went Mainstream

We underestimated…

The Whiplash Decade

The Decade We Paid to Feel Something

Material goods were so 2000…

The Whiplash Decade

The Decade America Terrorized Itself

The next 9/11 never came…

The Whiplash Decade

The Decade We Tore Down Our Racist Past

History broke wide open —

The Whiplash Decade

The Decade Gender Was Revealed

With the binary shattered, millions…

A former publication from Medium about politics, power, and culture. Currently inactive and not taking submissions.
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