All Stories published by GEN on October 20, 2020

Twenty-six years ago, Derrick Hamilton was convicted for a murder he didn’t commit. The conviction was, in part, a result of the 1994 crime bill. Hamilton argues the bill gave more power to police and the prison system, including the officer who framed him. He’s not off base. Experts say the legislation helped disproportionately target Black and…


The GOP Is Seizing the Feminist Moment, So Why Can’t Democrats?

The Only Black Guy In the Office is great at drawing boundaries at work, keeping his professional life separate from his personal life. And that includes social media.

I’ve only had to take a firm stand once. At our holiday party, there was a photo booth where a bunch of us crammed in for a picture. One of my bosses asked…

What is it with men whipping their dicks out uninvited? We learned Monday that the New Yorker suspended Jeffrey Toobin for masturbating during a Zoom work meeting. A rift has since opened among media types, between those who rightly condemn Toobin’s actions, and those who defend him by claiming “everyone” masturbates and there are “graver sins” than…

“If an officer beats you in the middle of Portland, and no one is there to see it, did it happen?”

Laura Jedeed captures the frenetic pace of demonstrations playing out in Portland. She follows a protester after police broke her nose and snapped her wrist. The…

A former publication from Medium about politics, power, and culture. Currently inactive and not taking submissions.
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